Friday, March 13, 2020

DIY Pentagon Popsicle Sticks Shelf

Are you bored of seeing popsicle stick hexagon shelf ideas? Why not try a new shape with the craft sticks? I tried a pentagon-shaped shelf and it turned out cute and perfect for air plants. This is a project which I started making on the spot with no idea what I am making. I came up with this design when I wanted to test the strength of wood glue before using it for some other project as this is the first time I am trying wood glue. The only wood thing I had was these craft sticks to test. So, here it is. An experiment that ended up as a beautiful project. Let's see how I made them. 
how to make popsicle sticks shelf in shapes other than hexagon

Materials Used:
Popsicle sticks
Wood glue
Elmer's glue
Acetate sheet
Super glue
Ruler & Pencil

Step 1: Arrange the popsicle sticks, as shown. There is no right or wrong way to do this. If you want the same shape as I did you can follow the steps as shown in the pictures below. Use wood glue to secure the sticks. Keep repeating the steps until you get the desired width for storing/displaying any particular display item/toys/air plants.

At a particular point, I lost the track of the arrangement and I started gluing the sticks in a random order which resulted in a buldged look at the center point. It gave a new dimension to the shelf and I was okay with it. 

Step 2: Cut a cardstock paper for a pretty background by tracing the inside of the shelf with a pencil. Then allow 1/2" width on all sides. Cut the cardstock with scissors and use Elmer's glue to stick it to the background of the pentagon shelf. 

Step 3: Place the shelf on the top of the acetate sheet and trace it. I decided to go with the boat shape. Cut it and remove the protective film on one side. Use an adhesive that is acetate friendly and glue it to the shelf. I tried using hot glue to glue the acetate sheet and it did not work. so, I used a vinyl, plastic and fabric repair adhesive which I had on hand and it worked perfectly. 

Step 4: Cover with the tape or paint the edges if you are desired. I painted the borders with the gold paint for the pentagon shapes and used gold duct tape for the boat-shaped area covered with acetate sheet as the paint didn't adhere well. Then I filled the boat-shaped area with the white stones and some gemstones leftover from the DIY gemstones picture frame/shadow box and DIY gemstones earrings & necklaces project. I added air plants to the shelf. It looks so cute and I love how this turned out. 

What do you think of this popsicle stick shelf? Have you tried this popsicle stick shelf before? Did you try to make a shape other than hexagon? Share with me in the comments below. As always I would love to hear from you. If you make this project feel free to share your project pics with me on Facebook or Instagram


  1. Your shelf turned out so nice looking! The air plants were the perfect addition. #homemattersparty

  2. Wow, what a great project. Turned out well and very unique.

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